
Using our eStatus portal, distributor customers can self-service a number of order status functions, including obtaining tracking numbers and viewing the status of incoming backorders.

In eStatus, you can:

  • View recent quotes and orders placed with us for your home branch and branches you are associated with
  • Search for quotes and orders you've placed with us or that have been placed by others within your organization
  • See details of each of your purchase orders including purchase order number, items shipped, spec sheets, ship to information as well as online tracking information and shipping costs
  • View pricing and availability for products
  • Get up-to-date notice of expected delivery dates for backordered products
  • View pending returns
  • Download invoice documents
  • Opt out of marketing messages

Recent Quotes and Orders

Upon logging in, you will see a view of the most recent quotes and orders you've placed, along with any placed by others in your home branch.


If you are a a buyer for multiple branches within your company and have contact records affiliated with those branches, the display will include quotes and orders from these branches as well. You must have a valid e-mail address listed for all of the associated branches with Candela in order for quotes and orders to display.

Quote and Order Search

If you have a unique purchase order number that corresponds to one of your company affiliates but you are NOT personally affiliated with that particular branch, you can enter the PO number in the Customer PO Number search box and, if recognized, just that order will display.

You can also do a specific search by using both the Order Number and Tracking Number search boxes concurrently, or by specifying a date range.

Order Details

Clicking an order number will bring you to a view where you can quickly access the details of that particular transaction, including (as highlighted):

  • Contact Information
  • Shipping Address
  • Products on Order, including Spec Sheets
  • Shipping Information, including Tracking Number
  • Products in Shipment
  • Downloadable Invoice (PDF)

Pricing and Availability

We have included wholesale unit pricing for all of our products via our eStatus portal. This pricing is only for distributors and in most cases does not represent our best effort. Please contact your lighting specialist for up-to-date pricing.

If you are logged into eStatus, pricing will be listed in our Products listing.

Pending POs

If any products on your order are not in stock and have been backordered, eStatus will present a special section called "Pending POs" which reports the expected delivery dates for any POs we have placed with our vendors containing these products. You can use this service to access the same information we use internally to track progress on our order fulfillment.

We hope that e-status will become a useful tool for you. As always, we value your feedback. Please submit any feedback via our Feedback Page or email